How ‘inn’ is AirBnB?

I've embarked on a journey of managing a few AirBnB's since the 'sharing economy' is part of digital that I'm involved with on a day to day basis.

AirBnB's enjoyed a huge run the past 5 years, but I fear is coming back with a vengeance. is outperforming AirBnB on most of the properties we have dual listings on.

I believe this is due to how much weight AirBnB gives to reviews in their algorithms.

Somehow slightly negative reviews don't impact hosts as much on as on AirBnB.

The alternative explanation is that the sheer volume of traffic on is just much higher as they have been around much longer.

On AirBnB after hosting a guest that was simply impossible to please, one of our listings tanked completely and haven't been able to come back on the booking front. On however it's soaring.

I guess it's a matter of not putting all of your eggs 'inn' one basket. Forgive me, it's Easter break and the puns are running wild…

Hit me up with your thoughts…

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