How ‘inn’ is AirBnB?

I've embarked on a journey of managing a few AirBnB's since the 'sharing economy' is part of digital that I'm involved with on a day to day basis. AirBnB's enjoyed a huge run the past 5 years, but I fear…

Thoughts on

When should you convince your clients to adopt a new channel / technology? At the moment has come up on my radar as the next big thing in video content. What’s interesting is that they compete somewhat with Periscope & Meerkat, but they…

I love a good photograph

Pondering Cape Town from Lion's Head

I’m not a purist photographer. I’m a hobbyist and in my opinion my shots are sometimes ‘nie te kak nie’. I understand where professional photographers come from though. For print it’s a completely different story and many hours are required…

Here’s to a new blog

Welcome! Over time I’ll develop some content and share cool stuff that come across my way. Be sure to sign up on my list to be kept up to date when I post new things. Thank you for dropping in.…